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July 22, 2004
Persuasive Essay

Issue: Should same sex marriage be legalized?


Opinion Statement: Gay marriages should be accepted in this country and needs to be legalized.


Pro [Yes, it should be legalized]

Con: [No, should not be legalized]

  1. Denying them is a violation of religious freedom.


1. Most religions consider homosexuality a sin.

  1. Denying these marriages is a form of minority discrimination.


2. It would further weaken the traditional family values essential to our society.

July 21, 2004
Page 489
The Legend of Paper Plates
This poem is by John Haines. This poem is about paper plates, how they are made, how they are used, and how they are abused. He expresses everything about paper plates in a small poem. This poem has a ton of meaning. I believe that his intention is is to let people know that humans are destroying trees for no reason. If we could just use normal plates, then the trees can be saved and not die. Normal porceline plates have the advantage because they can be used over and over again after being washed. Although i myself use paper plates, i feel that it is wrong to use them because every paper plate you use is from a tree. I think that stanza 4 in the poem is the srtongest and has to most meaning. It says that the trees loose their manhood and woman hood when humans come and saw them down. Hopefully soon, people will discover the damage they are doing from using paper plates everyday. This is an issue that i think wil lnot be solved anytime soon.

Finding Common Ground
Page 490

 Meaning of Poem

 Personal Elements

 Social Elements

  •  people use paper plates everyday at home
  • for dinner, lunch, breakfast. when they dont want to do the dishes
  • people should recycle paper plates so not the paper plate demands will be lower
  • the trees themselve are destroyed.
  •  lumberjacks cut down the trees for the paper plates
  • the plates are often not recycled
  • paper plates are used at large gatherings.
  • paper plates are used at parties etc. because its cheaper.


July 16, 2004




My research paper was on Time Travel. I have done tons of reading on time travel during my spare time. It's super interesting to me. I cant get enough of those time travel paradoxes. I got into the subject of time travel after reading a recent news article about a time traveling man. I think my research paper was good and well written. Writing about this topic has let me talk about everthing i know about time travel.

Time Travel Research Paper
Is Time Travel Possible

By Jeffrey Kam

There is nothing else that can get your imagination going more than the idea of time travel. Time travel is the ability to travel to any point in the past of future. What would be cooler? You could just jump into your time machine and go visit history making people, or interact in major historical events. Whoa would you travel back to see? Julius Caesar? William Shakespeare? Elvis? You could even go back and visit yourself at an earlier age, or go forward and see how you are in the future. These are the reasons why the subject of time travel has made the idea of so many science fiction books and movies.

Throughout history, man has pondered on the question, is time travel possible? As we all know, no one has successfully demonstrated time travel, but no one can rule it out either. Experiments of slowed clocks and younger particles have taken place, though. In 19 75, Carol Allie of the University of Maryland got two atomic clocks that are extremely accurate, and set them to the same exact time. She placed on an airplane that flew it around for a few hours and she left the other one on earth. After that, she compared the time with the one on the ground and found that time had moved a fraction of a second more slowly for the clock on board the plane. In another experiment, scientists used particle accelerators and sent particles flying faster than the speed of light. They found that the accelerated particles decayed faster than the particles that were moving at normal speed. So why does all of this mean time travel is possible? Well the same particles that make the clocks tick slower on planes, should also work at extreme speeds. But how will we ever get to these speeds? There is no reason to think that in the next few hundred years we wont be able to reach these speeds.

Albert Einstein’s theory says that approaching the speed of light would slow down time, traveling at the speed of light would make it stand still and traveling faster than the speed of light would reverse time. But Einstein also showed that traveling at of faster than the speed of light is impossible because mass at these speeds becomes infinite. Does that mean traveling back in time is impossible? Many physicists have said so.

Finally, there is the crazy and most controversial issue of the time travel paradox. For example, what happens if a person goes back in time and kills his grandmother before the traveler’s mother is born. Does that mean the time traveler suddenly no longer exists and he wouldn’t be able to go back in time to kill his grandmother because he no longer exists? Some physicists say that time protects itself from things like that by preventing time travel to the past. Some say that the time traveler would just enter a parallel universe that goes along its own separate road in space. And some even say that you won’t be able to kill you grandmother because time prevents it from happening. For example, every time you tried to kill your grandmother, something would happen, such as you can’t find your gun. And every other time you tried to kill her, something else would come up.

There have been countless reports of time travel experiences. Such as the most recent one, where a man claims he is a time traveler from the year 2256 after winning in the stock market many times. While the stock market crashed last year, this man named Andrew Carlssin made 126 HIGH RISK trades and came out the winner every time. His explanation is that he came in his time craft from 2256. He’s in jail right now. He wont reveal the location of his time craft thinking it will “fall into the wrong hands.” He says he would tell the location of Osama BinLaden and give a cure for aids if they just let him go. Unfortunately, no one believes him. Yet the SEC source admits, "No one can find any record of any Andrew Carlssin existing anywhere before December 2002." Well, I believe Andrew Carlssin. Do you?

In conclusion, time travel will one day be possible. Sadly, it won’t be in our lifetime. Time travel is the most questioned science subject. It has been the top subject of science fiction movies and books. This brings us to the conclusion of this research paper: Time Travel is possible.

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July 15, 2004
Research Topic

The topic I have chosen to write a research paper on is Time Travel. I know it might be a little crazy, but I am interested in this topic of time travel. Time travel may not be possible right now, but one day it will be possible. My interest in time travel began when I ran into an interesting news article about a man who claims he is a time traveler from the year 2256 after countless wins in the stock market. Time travel is an interesting and often forgotten scientific topic.

July 8, 2004-

June 30, 2004



June 29, 2004

Daily Comic


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